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13.  Imvelo Safari Lodges - Bomani Tente

A Capstone Project to Help Raise Awareness


Safari Lodges


I am a senior in high school who loves to be outside and connect with other people. A few of my passions include photography, video editing, snowboarding, and helping others. I got involved with Imvelo Safari Lodges through my mother who is a travel agent and has good friends all around the world. I really enjoy experiencing other cultures and seeing how others live. It gives me a better perspective on how I personally live and how I can better my life. 

Jackson Helwig-58.jpg

How can you Help?

The best way you can help support Imvelo would be to personally visit one or more of their beautifully located lodges. But I understand that that may not be an option for some people, especially with COVID, the next best way would be to donate to their causes.

Donate To Imvelo

If you click the link above you will see a list of what each donation value can do for Imvelo Safari Lodges and the communities they support. With travel restrictions there has been a huge cut back in the amount of people who have visited Imvelo in the past year. To help make up for the lost tourism and without booking a trip for yourself, a donation of any amount will go a very long way in helping Imvelo keep their animals, villages, and lodges safe and their efforts alive.

Visit Imvelo

By clicking the link above you will be brought to a page where you can check availability and book a trip to one or more of the six lodges Imvelo has to offer. When you book a trip you will be supporting more than just Imvelo, you will be helping out the people who live in and around Hwange National Park along with the animals. Your visit helps keep poaching and other dangers under control as well. By staying with Imvelo, you'll have a once in a life experience as well as make a big difference in the lives of others.

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